Our Experts in the News: February 2021

January 2021 February 2021 March 2021

  1. What We Are Reading Today: Promoting Peace with Information by Dan Lindley

    The more adversaries understand each other’s intentions and capabilities, the thinking goes, the less likely they are to be led to war by miscalculations and unwarranted fears. But how is transparency provided, how does it actually work, and how effective is it in preserving or restoring peace? In Promoting Peace with Information, Dan Lindley provides the first scholarly answer to these important questions, says a review on the Princeton University Press website.

  2. An American Belt and Road Initiative?

    China is funding massive projects all over the world, and gaining influence. The U.S. can do the same.

    Jim Webb is the Distinguished Fellow at Notre Dame’s International Security Center. He served as Navy secretary (1987-88) and a Democratic U.S. senator from Virginia (2007-13).