Our Experts in the News: February 2023

January 2023 February 2023 March 2023

  1. A U.S. Marine lost his dog tag in the Vietnam war. A tour group just found it.

    Cpl. Larry Hughes lost his military dog tag while serving with the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam nearly 60 years ago.

    The story of how Larry Hughes’s family received his dog tag on Feb. 17 was four months in the making and involves former U.S. senator from Virginia Jim Webb, 30 college students and a Vietnamese rice paddy farmer.


  2. Vietnam veteran's dog tag found in rice field, returned to family 57 years later: 'Means the world'

    In October 2022, former Virginia Senator Jim Webb and Notre Dame Professor Michael Desch took a group of students to visit the province. While exploring near an airstrip used by the U.S. military, a villager approached them and said he had six dog tags that were found plowing rice fields over the years.

  3. Peace through strength? US rattles China with new defenses near Taiwan.

    “We’re not talking about putting intermediate-range ballistic missiles there, which would look like an ability to attack targets in China,” says Eugene Gholz.

  4. A Climate Scientist Is Evaluating the U.S.’s Spy Programs

    “It is a fascinating part of the intelligence community and potentially one that, if used correctly, can make a difference,” Michael Desch said. “And I would say appointing a climate scientist would be an example of thinking about the board the way it’s been used most effectively.”

  5. Kansas City’s role in making doomsday weapons is a boon for the local economy

    “There’s a lot of sophisticated electronics, you know, timers, fuses, conventional explosives that help the nuclear explosives go off,” says Eugene Gholz, a political science professor at the University of Notre Dame.

    Originally published at news.nd.edu.


    Eugene Gholz

    Eugene Gholz

    Political Science