Our Experts in the News: May 2023

April 2023 May 2023 June 2023

  1. The American Conservative - C. Boyden Gray: The Passing of An Uncommon American Conservative

    By Michael Desch

    The New York Times titled its obituary for C. Boyden Gray “Lawyer for the Republican Establishment.” In one sense, that title is apt. For those old enough to remember the Northeast Republican establishment, Gray had impeccable credentials for it. But in another sense... Gray, like so many other establishment Republicans, was a man out of step with the current Republican Party.


    Michael Desch

    Michael Desch

    Political Science

  2. Cato Institute - Market Adjustment and Foreign Policy Failure

    Notre Dame associate professor Eugene Gholz discusses U.S. strategy, the low costs of neutrality in war, global oil markets and why the U.S. does too much militarily in the Middle East. He also advises a “defensive defense” strategy in East Asia, the ineffectiveness and overuse of economic sanctions, and decoupling from China.


    Eugene Gholz

    Eugene Gholz

    Political Science